Jointsol Composition
The concept was developed in the Martin Bauer Group, Business unit Finzelberg (Germany).
The active extract
It is an extract from rose hip peels cultivated within the Martin Bauer Group. This extract is obtained after a multiply staged process, which starts with an aqueous extraction followed by a special purification with enzymatic pre-treatment and ultra-filtration. Finally a gentle spray drying process produces an instant powder (patent application WO2009/080778 A2). During the process, the undesirable substances which can cause joint pathologies and allergies are removed.
This purified rose hip extract differs from other rose hip preparations due to its strong anti-inflammatory potential and their analgesic profile.
The collagen matrix
The collagen matrix, which is a part of Jointsol®, is a water-soluble collagen hydrolysate. It is a high-purity protein consisting of special bioactive collagen peptides derived from a specific production process with an excellent safety profile.
Extensive pre-clinical data demonstrates that this special collagen hydrolysate is well absorbed by the body with preferential accumulation in joint cartilage tissue, and then stimulates the synthesis of new collagen type II and proteoglycans in the extracellular matrix of chondrocytes and thus enhances the production of cartilage tissue. A single dose of 10 g of this collagen hydrolysate has clinically demonstrated a reduction in pain improving also mobility.

We currently have scientific data showing that the combination between this special rose hip extract and collagen hydrolysate can work well and be a safe for people suffering from chronic joint symptoms, and its effectiveness higher than the one obtained separately with the ingredients.
The synergistic effect of the special rose hip extract and collagen hydrolysate combination in Jointsol® allows to reduce total amount of both ingredients, resulting in a lower dosage of 5 g collagen hydrolysate and 0.5 g purified rose hip extract for the final consumer.